This is not about your split ends!

Wow! A lot has happened since we last spoke. Back in June we came together as a nation to defeat Covid. We rocked it. There is nothing that Americans can not do when we set out to do it. United we stand, divided we cough!

and then….

Well, I am here to make you aware that things are not as good as they seem and we are about to dump a pile of cold and flu season  on what’s already an ongoing nightmare. So, this brings me to my point.  If you are sick, stay home, cancel your appointment. We do not want you in the shop. Not at all. I do not want you hear you coughing on my friends. Don’t be that person. We will do the same on our side. Look, DayQuil is not something you take to get out of bed, stop your symptoms and go make someone else’s life miserable for a week.  It’s only your hair. 

Covid, flu and colds are real, people.  They make you sick, they can make you real sick. I know you might think you know some stuff about this, but, my wife is an epidemiologist with a PhD. She has done real research. Not like just reading some shit on the internet.  So, if you are sick, reschedule.

“If you don’t feel good, we don’t look good”

And for the record, we all got our shots. Covid shots, booster shots, flu shots. Nothing has happened to any of us as a result. I’m pretty sure I don’t have enough time left on the planet to grow an eyeball in the back of my throat.

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